Global capacity

We have the capabilities to cover all stages of the development of a project: from the valuation of the idea to the marketing of the product


Ventura Medical Technologies has the competitive advantage of being able to offer global solutions based on our professional skills.

The integral management of the process, our own R+D+i resources and our team of professionals allow us to take part in the most demanding projects.

Integral project management

We have capabilities to cover all stages of the development of a project:

  • We offer a specialized engineering support service.
  • We boost the inventiveness of professionals in health centers.
  • We advise technologically to detect improvements in the operation of your equipment.
  • We promote ideas from an industrial and technological perspective.
  • We design the product so that it meets the requirements set until the idea becomes a prototype.
  • We participate in the validation tests.
  • We manufacture and commercialize the product so that it reaches the market with the maximum guarantees of success.


In order to guarantee a successful application and value creation of product, we have a global management system with proven experience allowing a series of activities to be conducted in parallel:

  • Market study
  • Business plan
  • Patent application, maintenance and defense
  • Manufacture of products
  • Update on administrative and legal regulations
  • Validations by the AEMPS (Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products)
  • Marketing plan
  • Coordination of the operational communication and promotion plan
  • Specialized training for professionals


Pectus Excavatum is a congenital deformity of the rib cage characterized by a concave shape of the thorax.

Desarrollo de productos


We have the technological capacity to innovate and develop new medical devices in different specialties.



We have developed a new device that allows the removal of earwax plugs from the ear canal.