Hospital Quirónsalud Infanta Luisa in Seville (Spain) was the scene of a new operation with Pectus Up on a Pectus Excavatum patient
Dr. Miguel Congregado Loscertales operated on a 15-year-old patient affected by Pectus Excavatum, with the Pectus up, the extrathoracic implant developed by Ventura Medical Technologies.
Pectus Excavatum is the most frequent congenital deformity of the chest cavity, accounting for nearly 95% of cases. It is characterized by a sternum depression that gives the chest a sunken appearance, also known as a funnel chest.
The malformation is diagnosed in newborns and develops progressively during puberty. It is estimated to occur in approximately one in every 500-1000 births and it is usually more common in males.
Ventura Medical Technologies, together with the Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí de Sabadell (Barcelona), has developed the Pectus Up, which offers a minimally invasive extrathoracic solution for the fixing of the Pectus Excavatum.
The results are very satisfactory and more and more professionals are adopting this extrathoracic surgery innovative method. The new method is minimally invasive and significantly reduces the complexity and risks of the surgery.
The Pectus Up is an important technological innovation in the field of chest surgery for the treatment of Pectus Excavatum and stands out for the low presence of pain as well as the quick recovery of the patient.
This time, a patient from Seville was operated on with the Pectus Up. The surgery was performed by Dr. Miguel Congregado at the Hospital Quirónsalud Infanta Luisa, one of the most modern private hospitals in Andalusia
Congregado is an internationally reference surgeon in thoracic surgery who combines his work as Head of Service of the Hospital Quirónsalud Infanta Luisa in Seville with that of Quality and Teaching Manager of the Thoracic Surgery Unit at the Virgen Macarena University Hospital, and that of professor at the University of Seville.
He is member of the most important national and international scientific societies of his specialty, currently forming part of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Thoracic Surgery (SECT) as a Coordinator of the Committee on Institutional Relations and Professional Affairs. He also holds the position of Regent of Spain in the European Society of Thoracic Surggeons (ESTS).
The Hospital Quirónsalud Infanta Luisa, where the Pectus Up surgery was performed, has more than 40 medical-surgical specialties with prestigious professionals, and covers a wide portfolio of hospital services, from the diagnosis to the treatment of several kind of diseases with the most advanced techniques.