Ventura Medical Technologies, member of the managing board of the HealthTech Cluster, has taken part in an active co-creating session to pose technological challenges in healthcare field.
23rd November 2017, the HealthTech Cluster organized a meeting that attracted the participation of more than 100 people belonging to the health ecosystem from Catalonia.
The HealthTech Cluster is a cluster initiative promoted by ACCIÓ, the Agency for entrepreneurial competitiveness from the Catalan Government created in June 2014, when 17 founding members decided to start this new project to foster the health technologies effectiveness in Catalonia. The cluster gathers representatives from the whole chain value, medical technology and digital health enterprises, hospitals and knowledge institutions, with the aim of improving people’s health and quality of life and the sustainability of the health systems, as well as promoting the competitiveness and business opportunities by means of networking, market intelligence, international partnerships, innovation and talent attraction.
This session had an innovative setup where all attendants could discuss collaboratively and create high-level networking connections: the Unconference methodology (parallel sessions on different topic areas, introduced and moderated by experts in which all participants co-create contents).
Some of the outstanding conclusions of the session were the paradigm change in health with patient’s empowerment, the service prescription by the healthcare model, the legal barriers in data collection making difficult the Big Data advance, the need of boosting the innovation triangle in health (university-enterprise-clinic) and of redirecting health purchase models toward a result-oriented approach, the health prevention promotion or the data session by the patient in return for medical benefits, among others. You can look up for more info at